Deposit and balance
Completion of the booking form indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions. A booking is not confirmed until a deposit has been received by us. Once booked, you are obliged to pay the price of the course. The final balance is due 8 weeks before departure. If you book within 8 weeks of departure, you must pay the full balance at the time of booking.

Italian Choral Courses Ltd. must be notified in writing of all cancellations. In the case of cancellation, we cannot refund your deposit. After the deadline for full payment has expired we cannot refund your course fees. No refunds can be made if you leave the course once it has started. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel, we will refund all fees paid to us.

We do not accept liability for medical charges, cancellation, loss of baggage or money, damage to property or personal injury.

Passport and visas
Participants are responsible for ensuring that they have a valid passport and or/visas as required to cover travel. Your passport must be valid for six months from your return date home.

All participants should have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in case of medical emergency.

Non-singing guests
If you wish to bring a non-singing guest you must always inform us in advance.

Travel and excursions
You are responsible for booking your own flights. We recommend you fly to Pisa or Florence airports and take a train from there to Montecatini, but you may travel in any way you wish provided you arrive on the first scheduled day and leave on the scheduled departure day (unless special arrangements have been made with us).

Photography and video
During the week we will take video footage and photographs of participants which may be used for future publicity purposes. Acceptance of a place on a course implies consent for your image to appear in our publicity materials. If you do not wish your image to appear on such materials please let us know in advance.

We reserve the unconditional right to ask you to leave the course if you demonstrate unreasonable behaviour, or cause distress to other particpants or the organisers. Full cancellation charges will apply and we will be under no obligation for any refund, compensation or loss you may incur.

Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint during your holiday you should inform the course administrator as soon as possible. If the matter cannot be resolved during the holiday, please notify us in writing upon your return as soon as possible, or within four weeks.

Within the dates advertised Italian Choral Courses Ltd. may at any time amend the programme and schedule. The meal package we offer may sometimes be subject to adaptation during the course - we will always try to be fair with this but sometimes have to adapt: no-one is guaranteed that a particular meal-type will be exactly as described in advance.